
Norman Schuler’s Schuler Photo Album Page 1

Photo 1: Schuler Family Photo Circa 1940 – Front Row Ronald Schuler, Norman Schuler, Unknown Back Row Anna (Kilmarx) Schuler, Unknown (Maybe Alfred), Unknown, Mildred Schuler, William Schuler


Photo 2: Grandpa Bill


Photo 3: Anna (Kilmarx) Schuler and Betty Schuler


Image 4:   Family Photo I can get a few but largely do not know. See Note for Gramp’s Family File


Norman Sschuler Notes from Family File: Circa 1910  – Wm.Sr., Mildred “Mitchell”, Unknown front & back, Alfred Schuler, back unknown, back Wm.Jr., Anna Schuler, back Carrinne Schuler, Josephine “Schell”, child unknown

Image 5:  Schuler Family at the Beach – Grandpa Bill and Grandma Mildred, Anna (Kilmarx) Schuler, Norman and Ronald Schuler are easy but the others I am not sure of.


This is from a album I honest did not know I had it has about 50 pictures in it.  I will try and scan them over the next week or so.  Any help in telling me how these people are world be great.

September 3, 2016

Image 1 –  Appears to be a Schuler Family Pictures, but the may be a Schuler and Schell Picture since Mary (Schell) Reiss appears to be the out of focus Woman in front second from the left and Josephine (Schell) is second from the right (based on the notes from the second page.

Schuler Family Photograph

Image 2:  Schell Sisters – Mary and Josephine Schell – Josephine is Aunt Schuler I believe.  I have no idea who the Adams is but she is in both Pictures.  Adams do not join the family until Mildred and Grandpa Bill.  The Mitchell’s are the Adams connection and these pictures seem older then that but maybe not.




Image 3 and 4 – Schuler and Schell Family Pictures – Honestly I have no idea who these people are?



Image 5 – Children Unknown – This is the old picture by far based on type pre 1900 I think but no idea who these two are?



Image 6 – Side of Schell Bakery 1226 Washington Ave Boston circa Unknown.  I got a copy of this years ago but the more I look at it the picture may be on the Left Peter Jr. and Peter Schell.  I will have to blow up faces and look.  If so they both died in 1900 so it would have to be from 1875-1890 i think.



My Goal is to try and figure out as much as possible about this pictures.  Take them freely and if you have any information about them I would love to know it.  If you have any other pictures of the family I would love copies of them.  My goal is to try and put as many of them together in a book if we have a family reunion next year as Paul has talked about.

Mike Schuler
1887 Jordanville Road
Jordanville, NY 13361

(315) 868-7586 (Cell)

p.s. Fell free to call me or email me any time.

Ouellette Family Images

Brookline, NH Pictures

This website contains early images of many of my grandfather Joseph Ouellette brothers and sisters.

Some specific images that contains the Ouellette are:

1905 Brookline School Picture includes name key

Better view of the same 1905 Picture

There are probably more but since I have no reference for what they looked like it is hard to tell.

VAN VALKENBURG(H), National Association of the

If you have Van Valkenburgh ancestors this is a great resource.  I have used it many times and it is the de facto resource for the Van Valkenburgh Family.

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, New York, History of

This is an interesting resource for the history of Montgomery County, New York.  It is not always 100% Correct but is a great starting point and also a source to connect things.

(This is the PDF Version on

ALDEN, John Kinship in America Website

This is a great resource for Pilgrim Research.  It contains an eight generation Family Tree for the Alden Family.  Anyone with Aldens in their family should check it out.

LIBRARIES, 14 Best for Genealogy

This is an interesting PINTEREST list of Libraries.  Many may not be around you but many have digital collections and also archive lists and can be go for research.