
September 3, 2016

Image 1 –  Appears to be a Schuler Family Pictures, but the may be a Schuler and Schell Picture since Mary (Schell) Reiss appears to be the out of focus Woman in front second from the left and Josephine (Schell) is second from the right (based on the notes from the second page.

Schuler Family Photograph

Image 2:  Schell Sisters – Mary and Josephine Schell – Josephine is Aunt Schuler I believe.  I have no idea who the Adams is but she is in both Pictures.  Adams do not join the family until Mildred and Grandpa Bill.  The Mitchell’s are the Adams connection and these pictures seem older then that but maybe not.




Image 3 and 4 – Schuler and Schell Family Pictures – Honestly I have no idea who these people are?



Image 5 – Children Unknown – This is the old picture by far based on type pre 1900 I think but no idea who these two are?



Image 6 – Side of Schell Bakery 1226 Washington Ave Boston circa Unknown.  I got a copy of this years ago but the more I look at it the picture may be on the Left Peter Jr. and Peter Schell.  I will have to blow up faces and look.  If so they both died in 1900 so it would have to be from 1875-1890 i think.



My Goal is to try and figure out as much as possible about this pictures.  Take them freely and if you have any information about them I would love to know it.  If you have any other pictures of the family I would love copies of them.  My goal is to try and put as many of them together in a book if we have a family reunion next year as Paul has talked about.

Mike Schuler
1887 Jordanville Road
Jordanville, NY 13361

(315) 868-7586 (Cell)

p.s. Fell free to call me or email me any time.

Portland Stone Ware Co Misc. Directory Advertisements 1885-1925

Here are some interesting City Directory Advertisements that I found on for Portland Stone Ware Co from Various Years.  They are only a small number of the listing but the ones that had the full page graphics.

Portland Stone Ware Co Ad from 1918 Boston, MA City Directory

Portland Stone Ware Co Ad from 1918 Boston, MA City Directory

Portland Stone Ware Co Ad from 1924 Boston, MA City Directory

Portland Stone Ware Co Ad from 1924 Boston, MA City Directory

Portland Stone Ware Co Ad from 1875 Bristol, MA City Directory

Portland Stone Ware Co Ad from 1875 Bristol, MA City Directory

Portland Stone Ware Co Ad from 1689 Portland, ME City Directory

Portland Stone Ware Co Ad from 1689 Portland, ME City Directory

Portland Stone Ware Co Ad from 1871 Portland, ME City Directory

Portland Stone Ware Co Ad from 1871 Portland, ME City Directory

Portland Stone Ware Co Ad from 1885 Portland, ME City Directory

Portland Stone Ware Co Ad from 1885 Portland, ME City Directory

Portland Stone Ware Co Ad from 1889 Portland, ME City Directory

Portland Stone Ware Co Ad from 1889 Portland, ME City Directory

Portland Stone Ware Co Ad from 1905 Portland, ME City Directory

Portland Stone Ware Co Ad from 1905 Portland, ME City Directory

VAN VALKENBURG(H), National Association of the

If you have Van Valkenburgh ancestors this is a great resource.  I have used it many times and it is the de facto resource for the Van Valkenburgh Family.

BROOKMAN Family of Minden, New York Message Posts

Here are some posts that people have posted of the Brookman Family Message Board.  Like with any resource they have to be evaluated but you never known where you are going to get the information that you need:


My Query from 2010

Michael G and John Brookman of Minden, NY

and another person with some good information and sources to track down

John Brookman of Minden, New York, 2005