
This site is great for old books even ones that are local.  I get PDF copies of many of the old history books at libraries and the best part is that you can take them with you of your laptop and search them at will.

VAN VALKENBURG(H), National Association of the

If you have Van Valkenburgh ancestors this is a great resource.  I have used it many times and it is the de facto resource for the Van Valkenburgh Family.

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, New York, History of

This is an interesting resource for the history of Montgomery County, New York.  It is not always 100% Correct but is a great starting point and also a source to connect things.

(This is the PDF Version on

ALDEN, John Kinship in America Website

This is a great resource for Pilgrim Research.  It contains an eight generation Family Tree for the Alden Family.  Anyone with Aldens in their family should check it out.

LIBRARIES, 14 Best for Genealogy

This is an interesting PINTEREST list of Libraries.  Many may not be around you but many have digital collections and also archive lists and can be go for research.

BROOKMAN Family of Minden, New York Message Posts

Here are some posts that people have posted of the Brookman Family Message Board.  Like with any resource they have to be evaluated but you never known where you are going to get the information that you need:


My Query from 2010

Michael G and John Brookman of Minden, NY

and another person with some good information and sources to track down

John Brookman of Minden, New York, 2005


1905 Map of the Hamlet of Brookman Corners in Minden, New York

This is a blow-up pf the 1905 Map of Brookman Corners a hamlet in the Town of Minden County of Montgomery in the State of New York.  There were two maps like this created on in 1868 and this one in 1905.  There is also an 1853 Map of Montgomery County framed and on display in the History & Archive Department in Fonda, New York.